When times are tough people are more careful with their money.

What this means is cutting back on spending on categories or articles that are seen as frivolous. The other, sometimes hidden, aspect is spending only on brands that are trusted. This is a way of cutting risky spends.

While true with brands, this is also true with people.

You read mostly of companies cutting back on resources. But this is also a great opportunity for companies to swap resources. Get in good high quality talent for that piece of deadwood, you’ve been meaning to do something about, but did not because you could afford to carry her, or him.

Headcount approvals being difficult to come by, a company investing in talent would want to ensure that they are getting the right person. This is where, beyond talent, personal branding comes into play.

There was a great Tom Peter’s book on the subject.  Brand You.

For those with limited patience here is a good blog on the same subject. Some very good, simple, every day tips.

There are some people who are good at it. Most are not. Which is the truth. Of these there are many who believe, talent is enough to get by. But looking at successful people around, including ones own company and you ask “How in the world did he get that job?”. And the answer comes back..” personal branding”, giving it an optimistic spin!!

Here’s to happy branding.

Now I better go get myself some fancy gadgets, as suggested!


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